Thursday, June 6, 2013

Lavender Orange Scones, a recipe for a summer tea party....

Good morning to you!

As many of you know, we are quickly coming up on a summer tea party for my oldest daughter.
Seeing that she is finally a teenager, and since during her birthday in January Mom could barely drag herself out of bed thanks to the flu, let alone give her a birthday party,
we decided to give her a wonderful, sweet tea party with a few of her friends when it was sunny and gorgeous outside.

To that end, I have been trying many recipes, and reading this recipe from Kendra at Living In the Shoe reminded me that I needed to get started on trying out some scone recipes for the party. Thanks to my friend Helena, from London, I already have a wonderful recipe for the cake that is authentically tea-party worthy since she posted it over on TWH's Facebook page for me.

So, I am hoping a few of you will try this wonderful recipe out and let me know what you think. You need to plan ahead a little bit on this one, and make sure that the candied orange sugar is made ahead a couple of days to have a wonderful flavor and punch for the topping.

I simply used lavender flowers and leaves from my garden, and while the picture does not show it, there were gorgeous flecks of green, purple, and orange (from orange zest) woven throughout the rich yellow of the scones. If you don't have home access to lavender, I recommend Bulk Herb Store for everything. They always have such quality products, and their shipping is super fast.

Great selection of bulk herbs, books, and remedies. Articles, Research Aids and much more.

And these scones tasted fabulous.

Even the teenage boys who dropped by agreed, and said scones were "the bomb". I am pretty sure in teenager speak that means they were pretty good. *wink wink*

Let me know what you think. For a fabulous addition of Devonshire Cream, be sure to head over to Kendra's blog and read her recipe. I am thinking no one would get any around would be me, in a closet, with the bowl.

Too bad my closets don't lock.

Many Blessings to you and yours,

In a metal bowl whisk the following:
 2 1/3 cups all purpose and white wheat flour, freshly ground
(I used my WonderMill, of course)
1/4 cup orange sugar (see end of recipe on how to make this)
1 Tbs of baking powder
1/4 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup dry milk

to this add 8 Tbs of cold butter, chilled and cubed, and cut into the dry ingredients
until it forms bread crumb size crumbs.

Then add in the following:
1 large fresh egg,
1/2 can evaporated milk
1 tsp crushed lavender leaves and flowers
1 tsp freshly grated orange zest

Combine until just mixed, turn out onto a floured board and knead about six times, using more flour as needed to keep it from sticking to your fingers.

Pat into a round circle about 1" thick on a baking stone or cookie sheet that has been well seasoned or greased, and cut into triangles. Brush with more evaporated milk and sprinkle orange sugar on top of each scone.

Bake at 350* for 25-30 minutes, they will not give when tapped in middle, and be slightly brown around the edges. Serve immediately, especially if you have some lovely tea or coffee to join it.

If you want more sugar as a topping, just lightly brush with butter and shake more orange sugar on as I did for the pictures.


Into one cup of sugar, add 1 Tbs of orange zest, and shake well until coated. I put mine into a pint or jelly jar and keep in my baking cupboard. Any citrus will work, and each will have strong, distinct flavors. Excellent to bake with, and a great way to use something you would otherwise throw away in the peels. I shake it a couple times in those few days, or as I remember, so it does not clump up. 

Linked up at Homestead Barn Hop

1 comment:

  1. MUST make these scones! I mill my grains (also soak and sprout). We also use essential oils, both medicinally and in cooking. Orange sugar is a great idea and I can use lavender oil, too.

    I'm doing this today and will let you know how they go. I'm having visions of a super yummy snack later on!


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