Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Happy "House-iversary" to the Welcoming House Family on THIS side of the Screen.........

I really have the very best, most totally awesome, brilliant and encouraging kids on the planet Earth. 
No kidding.
Yesterday was a tough day as I tried to pull together a ton of stuff over on the new blog site, juggle feeding kids, unexpected lessons being moved to a day I don't normally hold lessons on, etc.

And this, this is what they surprised all of us with at dinner.

and this.............
Believe it or not, it tasted even better than it looks.

I am so blessed.
You see this house is a total answer to a mamma's prayer.
We moved SO MANY TIMES in the 10 years we had been "house-less" and now here we are, planted two years at the house of my dreams, sinking down roots, cheering God on in every possible way.

He has taken our house immediately into a home of hospitality, and we have been blessed to share this roof with some pretty amazing people over that time.

We have seen its doors thrown open in greeting time...
and time...
and time again.

We have seen two amazing Christmases come and go, and are heading into another magical, Minnesota winter in this house, where the kids can run all their energy out inside, riding bikes, and running like wildlings, and still have enough room for Mom to go somewhere
 and take a break.

I am not only amazed at how wonderful my kids are (especially the 13 year old who organized this whole thing, because come on, you know the Littles just joined so they could have crayons in hand while out from under the all-seeing-eye-of-Mom). But I am also blessed and amazed to see how quickly, seamlessly, and smoothly the last two years have gone here.

Excited to see the next one and what the Lord has in store for this crazy family in a big old house way out in the middle of nowhere.

Its a beautiful life.

Blessings to you and yours, 


  1. Aw, those are beautiful cards. What a wonderful blessing :)

  2. What a wonderful family you have! Congratulations on two fantastic years. :)


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~Heather @ The Welcoming House