Thursday, October 17, 2013

Starting a personal Food Storage 101---links, ideas, and suggestions...

Good morning everyone!

While I am somewhat glad that our inept politicians came to an agreement yesterday to fund the government, for another three months, I see it as the respite before another huge fight in a couple months that will plunge us all into concern and anxiety again as we wait for them to get their stuff together. We can only kick the can down the road so many times before we hit a brick wall, and we are fast heading in that direction.

All that being said, I decided that we need to do a quick series on Food Storage---how to build it, how to start it, and what to do with it.

I have a very dear friend who has started canning, and has an impressive display of jars that she has lined her pantry with.........but no idea how to put it all together. I actually hear that occasionally, and so plan on addressing that issue with a few ideas at the end of this series, but also *shhhhh* have another book that I am working on right now that totally deals with that, ideas, suggestions, etc. :)

So hang on, we are about to talk about where in the world do you get started?

How do you determine how much food is needed per person 
for a certain time?

What are the best things to start with?

And that is enough for today. :)

The first question that I get asked is:
 How do I know where to start?

 I am going to give you some suggestions, and then direct you to some sites that totally made a huge impact on us when we started this journey around 5 years ago. In 2008 when the economy tanked for the first time, the Handy Hubby and I were already well on our way to being stocked up. We had been praying about it for around 6-8 months, and really felt the impression of the Lord that we were supposed to start taking steps to be less reliant on the grocery store and more reliant on doing things ourselves. We made a few mistakes along the way, and that is what tomorrow's post is going to be convering, but today lets talk about how to get off on the right foot.

The questions you need to answer are pretty simple.

1. How many people are in your family, or will you be caring for?

2. How long do you want to be able to feed your family without "having" to use a grocery store if you had to?

And before anyone gets into end of the world scenarios and blasts me, I would like to remind everyone that we have seen plenty of natural disasters the last couple years that have kept people from help/food/water/heat for weeks at a time. The things we depend on to provide for us are quite fragile too. It just makes sense to be more reliant on yourself and less on someone else showing up to save the day. Or your kids from hunger. Whatever.

Once you determine the answers to those questions, then I would like to direct you to what many of us who do this call a "food calculator". It tells you how much food you will need per person for a period of time. Most give you amounts for a year, and you need to break it down from there. I encourage most people to start out small, because that is where their budget is, and shoot for two weeks extra, one month, or, if you can swing it, three months per person.

Here is the link for the best food calculator that I could find:
I have used this one in the past and loved it..

this one is put out by the Latter Day Saints church (Mormon), and if you are unfamiliar with their religion, they practice having a large amount of food storage on hand for their families. We actually owe a lot of the information that we have learned over the last few years to them, even though we are not Mormons ourselves. Growing up near Utah, a good portion of my friends were from Mormon families, and I saw first hand how well they prepare for disaster or coming hard times, and it just made sense to me.

So anyhow, that calculator gives you numbers for a single year of food storage, and then if you scroll down, gives you amounts that are broken down into categories. I would encourage you to look through it, then break it down into smaller amounts. When we started we used the same calculator, then figured out how to break it down into three month blocks, wrote that down, and then hung it on the fridge. Each time we would go grocery shopping, we would take one or two things off the list and add it. It took us three months to build a three month storage, but once it was lining the pantry shelves, we felt a lot more confident we could feed our kids if the Handy Hubby lost his job or whatever.

The next question people ask me is:
 what do you start with first?

And that is pretty easy.
Start with what is the cheapest to get something in the house, and then start adding on. Flours, grains, and starches all have very long storage lives, and can keep you fed and alive during a disaster. Water would be right up there too. Carbs are what the body uses for energy and for feeding the brain, so having those around is pretty darn crucial. We started with buying wheat grains, popcorn, and rice. Each one of those has a long storage life, and can be used in multiple ways. Wheat can be soaked and sprouted for microgreens, ground for flour, soaked and pressure cooked for cereal, etc. Popcorn can be ground for corn flour, or popped for a solid snack or filling meal if necessary. Rice can be ground, or cooked, and many many cultures use it as their staple to keep them alive. All of the above can keep for up to 30 years in storage when properly kept stable, in a cool environment without being exposed to moisture. 
So after grains, or right along with them, we tackled canned or dried beans to have protein on hand (I did not know how to can meat at that time, and did not want to go through losing another freezer full of meat that  made us devastated and hungry for a while), and also some canned fruit and veggies.
*psst....excellent article alert above ^^^^ *

The final question that I am going to address today is:
Where am I supposed to put all of this?

People store them in different ways.
We go the bucket route because we have lots of space.People with less space invest in a Food Saver, and break it into packets, then store in a bin in a closet or under the bed. I have learned that the less space you have, the more creative you have to get, and that means that you fill up under your bed, in the closet, make a closet in a bedroom into a pantry for food storage, etc etc etc.
It is, again, not about excuses, but about what you determine to do.

Tomorrow we will be talking about some of the most common food storage/food pantry buying mistakes that people make and how to avoid them.
For some more great information, I would encourage you to visit my friend Krystall's site, which deals completely with food storage and has a million recipes on how to use, and store it:

See ya right back here tomorrow, y'all.

Blessings to you and yours, 


  1. Good morning Heather. So glad you are tackling this subject. I am a Mormon and know the value of being prepared. That said, I am probably not as prepared as I should be. So, I am looking forward to reading this series and tackling any short comings I may have in the area. Between this series, and following Renee Weatherford's organizing tools (, I should be in pretty good shape soon.
    Thanks so much for sharing this information with all of us. Hope you are having a fabulous day!

    1. welcome Regina!!!
      I will check out the link that you shared, since it is a name I am unfamiliar with, and hope to learn more from her too, because I think this is an area that you are always growing in, right?
      Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
      Blessings to you and yours,
      ~Heather <3

  2. This is a great series and something important with the way things are going. I used to live in Utah years ago and was amazed at how well-prepared most Mormon families are. It's a very smart thing to do. I don't do near as much as I should but I am trying to learn more all the time :)

    1. one step at a time, that is all it takes.
      Start small and work up to a little more each week, or month, until you are confident that you are at a point that you are going to be able to weather anything that comes your way, whether that is financial or physical. All it is is the same stuff that your great grandparents and my great grandparents used to do every single year, knowing that one bad crop or loss could mean hunger during winter for a family. Plan ahead, be prudent, and know what you have to fall back on. :)
      Same thing we do with our health insurance or car insurance, or house insurance, or whatever, right? Just this is something we can lay our hands on right away to fill in a gap, not have to wait for someone to give it to us. :)
      Good to hear from you and hope you have a good weekend!
      ~Heather <3

  3. Replies
    1. Incredibly happy to have you join us, Tula!!!
      Really, grab a cup of coffee or tea, kick back at the computer, and start reading. Lots of great stuff on here from all over, and some fantastic guest posters who I have been blessed to sit under their teaching as well.
      Also, we share lots of ideas just like this over at The Welcoming House Blog on Facebook every single day. That vibrant community is always looking for more awesome friends to participate, so come join us sometime!
      Blessings to you and yours,
      ~Heather <3

  4. I started doing this a couple of years ago, just buying cases of canned goods. Hubby made me a rolling storage unit for my bday 2 years ago. Then I started canning and dehydrating, etc. It has totally changed the way I cook but more importantly, I feel that IF hubby lost his job or we have a freak winter storm, we'll be just fine! :)

    1. Exactly.
      Too many people scoff at the idea of being prudent and having a little set aside, but never think twice when they are paying a life or health insurance bill, which is far less tangible than a full pantry......
      The fact is, once you start down this path, you realize how much more security you have, you understand that you can weather a natural disaster, or financial one, and suddenly, you realize you are saving money in the end.
      So really, win win situation.
      After all, what do you have to lose, right?
      Blessings to you and yours,
      PS--Come back next week for this awesome story from a reader similar to yours and her storage solutions!!!

  5. Interesting post. I'm excited to learn more. It will be nice to have somethings on hand that I can just grab and work with, or heat and serve. These are also really great frugal tips, and something that will definitely be of help during difficult times.

    Life With Lorelai

    1. Thanks!!! :)
      I am glad to help in a little bit of getting the average person to think about having a good solid pantry of food on hand. I have seen so many times where just having that little bit set aside for storage really has helped people out in a tough spot, and made a huge difference in the middle of a freak snowstorm where they are snowed in, or unexpected family coming to stay. There are just so many reasons to do it, and we have become too dependent on grocery stores and being able to run down there every time we even think about it.
      Glad to see you and hope you have a wonderful weekend.
      Blessings to you,
      ~Heather <3

  6. Just found your blog from a link on a forum. Loving it! I'll definitely be coming back for more.

    One thing I don't think enough people think about with food storage is what they'll do with all of it. How will you process your grains? What spices and fats do you need in order to cook them? Do you even LIKE the foods you are storing? Hehe. I haven't looked around a lot on here yet, but I'm really hoping to find more recipes using pantry items. My recipe box is never too full!

    1. nice to have you join us! :)
      I completely agree with you. I think a lot of people rush out, without really having any type of plan, and end up with a lot of food sitting on the shelf that they are not quite sure what to do with. That happens to be one of the things that we will be addressing next week as we talk about how to take this list, and the one on Monday, and run with it, making it into any number of meals with a little creativity.
      I hope you spend a good dose of time searching and looking around on the site, because there is a lot of awesome ideas and recipes that have been a foundation of the Welcoming House both here, and in real life, that are posted. Anything specific you need, just send me a little email and I will try to direct you to it. :)
      Blessings to you and yours,
      ~Heather <3

  7. I am one of your Mormon "neighbors" and for 40 years while we raised our 11 children with time and money in short supply often, have been blessed through challenging times with "enough and to spare" by keeping our year's supply of food and learning as much as possible to become more and more self-reliant! Eating our food to rage is an every day occurrence since we store what we will eat! Thanks for your tips! I love to keep finding things to help our family become wiser stewards!

    1. and thank you a million times over for stopping by and commenting!
      Blessings to you and yours,
      ~Heather <3


I really appreciate your comments--they make my day! And I am blessed by the many who choose to comment, share links, or just drop in to say hello, so please leave a comment! Blessings to you and yours!
~Heather @ The Welcoming House