Wednesday, October 23, 2013

You Know You're Tired When......

Good Morning Everyone!

I wanted to take a quick break today from the Food Storage series and give you something to laugh at, 
or smile at in the middle of your week.

You see, all of these things have happened to me in the last three days, and that is why there is no blog post up for Food Storage this morning.
I think if you read the list, you will understand why.

And please, ADD YOURS in the comments, because I know there have got to be a lot more tired mammas/sisters/grandmothers/fathers, etc out there just pushing through the day.

You Know you are TIRED when......

*You are on your third cup of coffee, in the third cup you could find, and you have had only one sip. You also have no idea where the other two cups are.

*You feed the rabbits twice in one day, and wonder if something is wrong because their food dish is still full. Which means you spend ten minutes checking everyone, and petting everyone, and trying to figure it out until your oldest child wants to know why you are out there "again".

*You don't remember how many times you have let your mother's dogs out, or fed them, or if you let them back in when you wake up thinking about it at 3 am.

*You undress at night only to realize that you wore mismatched socks all day long, and forgot to comb your hair, just throwing it back in a ponytail. That might explain the strange reaction from the Fed Ex delivery guy when you answered the door in your socks.

*You serve a snack twice in the afternoon and the kids are thrilled, but wont eat their dinner.

*You walk three blocks to let your mother's dogs out twice in one day, and completely forget the key to her house both times. And the leash for walking them.

*You wake up in the morning and realize you are still wearing the clothes you were wearing the day before, shoes and all. And can't remember how you got there.

*You can not remember how many times you have washed the same load in the washer at this point. Or how long the load has been in the dryer....but that might explain why the Littles have run out of undies and are running through the house naked. And thrilled.

*And finally, while leaving the nursing home with a full basket of soiled laundry, you continually try to open the handicapped door with your remote on your car keys. 
Three times. 
And get frustrated when it wont work.
Until the really nice male nurse comes along and opens it for you.

Hope you all are having a better week than I am! :)

Blessings to you and yours,


  1. Oh, I have been that tired. So how many melt downs did you have?

    Stop and take a moment for yourself my dear. Your family will thank you for it later. lol

    1. Isn't it funny? I have not had one yet, but that is simply because I am too busy doing everything that needs to be done and powering through it. :)
      I am taking a few moments to myself today. <3
      Thanks for commenting and caring. <3
      ~Heather <3

  2. You know you're tired when you just finish using the cordless phone and suddenly can't find it- to the point of frustration, so you call it with your cell phone only to find it right where you left it: On the top shelf in the fridge..... :)
    Gail Hovland

    1. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
      Oh that rocks!
      I have left my cell phone in the potato bin, and outside in the garden and car....once in the rabbitry, LOL
      But not in the fridge.
      Thanks for the good laugh, Gail. :)
      ~Heather <3

  3. Oh no! I've had days like that. The one that really got me was the coffee! I do that ALL the time. And I love that a person can call their cell phone and find it, but just wish I could call that coffee cup or my car keys or whatever else it was I lost. Sigh.

    1. Dont laugh, but I saw a product a couple months ago that attaches a beeper of sorts to different products.....perfect for that cell phone, cordless phone, coffee cup, children that run know. ;)
      Have a great day Steph...

  4. I feel your pain and your tiredness. My latest I can't believe I did that because I am so tired would be not running the dish washer when all the dishes are dirty, letting a load sit in the dryer and washer for wo days, and forgetting to feed the dogs until midnight.

    1. yep, I have done all that but the dogs, so I completely understand. thanks for sharing your *oopsies* when tired today too. :)
      ~Heather <3


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~Heather @ The Welcoming House