Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday---Celebrating 15 years of Blessings....

I have been looking forward to this post since Saturday, when all this wonderful stuff happened to me.

I always thought when we celebrated our 15th wedding anniverary we would be somewhere on a cruise, sipping champagne, and somehow, blissfully unaware that while we were sailing the ocean blue, someone else was watching our children, doing the dishes, keeping up with laundry,
etc ,etc etc.

You get the picture.
Ignorance, especially young ignorance, can sometimes be bliss.
And sometimes NOT. :)

As the years passed and we celebrated each year, I knew the Handy Hubby would come up with something special for this anniversary, as he always does, and I could hardly wait.
It was like a "kid in a candy shop" feeling on steroids.

And he totally did not disappoint.
If you havent gathered from my posts, I am not a high-falutin' kind of girl with a desire for champage and caviar on a boat.
And the Handy Hubby, bless his heart, knows that better than anyone, SO he chose to make the day we celebrated all about something I love to do, and he hates to do, and yet it worked like a charm.

He took me antiquing.
As in, dirty shops where you crawl on your knees through shelves of depression glass, trying to find the one piece you have not yet seen.....
or sitting on the floor in a back room reading an old cherished book that costs more than your house just because you can, and because it was in your parents' library 30+ years ago...
as in, "Isnt this hat that has feathers and is absolutely ridiculous on me ADORABLE???"

Yes, all you Handy Hubby Peeps, he is just as totally awesome as I tell you he is over and over and over again.
So here is our "little love story" in pics for those romantics among you. :)

The babysitting crew arrives. At 7:30 am. ON A SATURDAY.

Grandma is loving her twinsie time, since she has been ill. Look at that smile!
Take our anniversary picture as always, up against our hanging quilt.

$50 in a baggie, I have some to buy a gift for him, and he has the same amount for me.

His handwritten list of antique stores in the town we went to--an HOUR AWAY.

Did you hear me? HANDWRITTEN LIST....

add that to a casual acceptance of my taking LOTS OF PICTURES? I'm in shock here.

the first place we visit had this gorgeous handmade wedding dress from 1910 in the window...

*sigh* a picture of my love affair with old jars. Lots of old jars....

He seated me next to the smiling panda in the Chinese restaurant that serves sushi.

He did not know people actually ate sushi until he met me. I don't think he really ever truly recovered.
So that picture right there shows how much he loves me to take me to a place
where a LOT of people eat it.
In front of him.

HH loves to buy me jewelry. So he bought me some antique bracelets that I adore.

I love vintage linens, especially hand embroidered ones. So I picked up some for my girls, and for a future giveaway.

And best of all, he ended the day by taking me to a gorgeous private park with lots of flowers, handed me my camera, and told me to have fun. He really made it a wonderful day. Here are some of the pictures for you to enjoy.

handmade rock wall--how pretty was this?

the whole plant was covered with these glowing white flowers....

trying to show that they were almost as big as my head....

our oldest daughter's favorites..........

love the color combos.....


at first I thought these were just plastic, until they started moving their

a tree covered in berries..............

Here is to another beautiful 15 years of blessing with the Handy Hubby.

Many Blessings to you and yours,


  1. Great pics Heather and Thank you for sharing your day !!!!

  2. LOL! I originally read this post in my email and I just HAD to come over to the blog to post about the butterflies. I think they are plastic because the one on the left looks like it has a Made in China sticker on its wing! But that's not the funniest thing. When I got to the blog and scrolled down through your wonderful pictures, I realized the cyber gremlins had scrambled them. So the picture of the $20 reads "at first I thought these were just plastic, until they started moving their" I agree, wow! LOL

    1. Hi Sherry!! LOL---I really did think they were plastic, but just as I formed that opinion, and two seconds after I took that picture, they both started slowly moving their wings, and actually moved up the flower a little bit. Then I wondered if they were mechanical or something (yes, you can say I am naive here). ANYWAYS, I was NOT brave enough to poke them to see if they would move, and will just see if they are there in exactly the same spot next time---and then either laugh myself silly, or actually bring a stick to poke them.:)
      thanks and have a great week

    2. Soooooooooo Sherry, while looking I magnified the sticker, and turns out it is a monarch sticker where they register the number and track them! LOL Whew!!!!!!!

  3. So Happy you had a great day Heather!! Congratulations for 15 years of marriage!

    1. Thanks!!! Sometimes I think it took FOREVER to get there, and other days I cant believe its been that long! God has been really good to us! :)


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~Heather @ The Welcoming House