Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday----Life at The Welcoming House This Week......

Happy Wednesday to you, dear readers!!! This is the last post this week due to the funeral. Thank you all so much for your kind words and emails. It is nice to know that there are many of you who have such big hearts...and that many of you have been through something such as this before and can understand how hard it is on all of us.

   We have hardly had very many Almost Wordless Wednesdays in the last month due to so many things happening around here, but with being gone for a couple days, and wanting to give you another glimpse, I wanted to share with you our life in pictures..........


our bathtub upstairs is finally finished--so OF COURSE we have to have bath-time!

One of my Littles rocking her purple towel...and a happy Mamma from a tub big enough to wash two at once...

50 years of grime on the left, gorgeous blue jars on the right.........

jars from an Auntie who passed four years ago..what a beautiful legacy to hold onto for my kids...

drying feverfew for the medicine cabinet.....

harvesting black walnuts for the pantry....

laying parts of the garden to rest is always a sad part of the fall...

A wide view of the garden with its new covering of cut grass for nourishment....

tomatoes are starting to turn...I can see spaghetti sauce and salsa in my canning future (or soup!!)

cherry tomatoes going crazy..and so is my dehydrator....

Cherokee black beans on the vine..........

and the vines keep putting on more blossoms, which mean more beans for this family!

the popcorn is starting to produce its tassels..........

A heavy seed head means a Happy Handy Hubby to see his favorite snack in the making....
only a few sunflowers left.....starting to look a little ragged, but SO gorgeous!

and Many Blessings to you and yours...........

1 comment:

I really appreciate your comments--they make my day! And I am blessed by the many who choose to comment, share links, or just drop in to say hello, so please leave a comment! Blessings to you and yours!
~Heather @ The Welcoming House