Monday, August 20, 2012

Suprise!!! Something that brightened my day this weekend!

   I know, I know , I know. There are seriously a million things I COULD be writing about today, what with school starting all over the place, the garden going gangbusters, crazy rumors of things shifting around the netherworlds of the internet.........*sigh*. If a girl just had more time to write, I could probably churn out two or three posts a day.


I have this:

and this:

and this:

to keep me hopping right now. SO instead after the very serious, sad post I put up for you on Saturday, I decided to go with a little lighthearted fun for this Monday.

It was nap time, and all of a sudden I realize there was a knock at the door.
Sneaking down the stairs in the hope I would NOT wake up the FINALLY sleeping twins, I found...


I looked.

 I shrugged.

I went back to planning school (see picture above).

15 minutes later my oldest daughter comes blasting upstairs, carrying a rather large box.

After collecting the box,
 all THREE children, 
and welcoming my husband home,
we sat down to open it.

Here it is, from start to finish, in a few pictures for you.

The mysterious box...........what could it possibly be????

A tiny peek---all my eyes could focus on while trying to figure it out....

IT'S HERE!!!! * Happy dance, Happy dance!

Hmmmmmmmmm. What exactly IS this, Momma?

Even the big kid was so excited she actually put the box on her head and danced around. 

 Sorry no videos here---you will have to imagine the dancing! LOL

And ME---happy as can be!!!! My WONDERMILL is here!!!

Now, if you have not been paying attention the last couple of weeks, you would have NO IDEA why a simple grain mill arriving in the mail would get me so excited.

Here are two of the reasons:




Would you be excited? Of course you would.

(Of course you SHOULD! 
Why? because if I win that contest SOMEONE is getting a new grinder for a Christmas present..and it wont be just me---it will be one of you! )

Which is why I am still doing a happy dance now while writing this.
*Happy dance, happy dance, happy dance*

This was graciously offered to me by the 

Source credit:

 I am giving you a heads up that starting September 10th, for 8 weeks, I will be using that gorgeous mill to put up one recipe or video (didja hear that Debra Simmons??) each week that  
will then be linked over on their gorgeous site
 for the whole world to see and try. 

Talk about amazing.

I am one excited Welcoming House Mom.

So while your Monday may seem to be challenging, mine is just plain exciting. I hope you will come back for Tuesday, and the rest of the week, when I am covering four days of Meals in a Bag--all about Dehydrating as a form of preserving and learning to put things together all in one place to have a meal ready in minutes! Did you know that dehydrating is the most ancient form of preserving, takes the least amount of space, and loses less nutrients than ANY form? Check back tomorrow for all sorts of stuff you never knew, and would love to learn on making meals from dehydrated foods!

Many blessings to you and yours!
eeeeeeeek! It says OWNER'S manual! :) :)

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~Heather @ The Welcoming House