Monday, September 30, 2013

Rainbows, Rabbits, and Family...

Good morning to you!

I know I shouldn't be surprised at how when you take the pressure off of writing all of sudden your mind comes alive with all the ideas you want to share with your readers, LOL! I have been writing things down and will be posting as the mood strikes.

We have had a wonderful and fun weekend around here, I have thoroughly enjoyed having a full household this weekend as we celebrated the Littles' third birthday,

Rainbow cakes are awesome, but very tipsy....

sweet girls are good at blowing out candles...

the leaning tower of cake.....

how much cake can you put on a fork? A lot!

and....its on its' side........but still SO GOOD....

we had to have BLUE candles, and sparkly ones at that.

I love how the focus on this picture is on the three....

Lots of answered prayers too, as the Lord provided a male rabbit for my two does, and from someone who was right near us---a short drive, quite a few beautiful choices for our rabbitry, and best of all, meeting a new friend! She is a rabbit enthusiast, farm girl, and fun to talk to. 
Many praises for  lots of answers all at once! :) 
Meet Doc O'Malley, the newest St. Patty's Day addition for The Welcoming House.

It was wonderful to be able to sit and visit with my middle sister, who we dont see often enough, and my brother-in-law, who comes down a couple times a year to see his nieces.

I do have some guest posters lined up to add to the reading schedule, so don't be too surprised if you bop on in the next couple weeks to hear about something in depth from another writer. As we are gearing up for Spring and all that entails, I have some fun posts coming up.

I hope that you have a wonderful Tuesday, and I pray that you too, are looking forward to Spring and all that it entails!

Blessings to you and yours,

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~Heather @ The Welcoming House