Monday, September 30, 2013

Snow snow go away..........Meal Plan Monday...........

Oy, what a weekend we had around here. 
As we were digging out from under this:

I was anxiously watching this

and this

in the hopes that one of them would get serious, stop tormenting me with late due dates, and pop out either some baby rabbits, or kittens.

But, just as Murphy's Law dictates, what you want and expect to happen will never turn out quite the way that you want, so instead, we are still waiting.
For ANY sign of Spring that is willing to grace us with its presence.
Sort of.

Meanwhile, I am trying to get a house in order for Spring to arrive, get kids all better after everyone was quite sick for two weeks with a nasty respiratory virus, and just plain ignore the mounds of snow that was settling on my lawn or doorstep.

This week it looks like I just might get my wish in every way, with it supposed to be hitting the high 50's and 60's through the weekend........after it drops another 3" of snow today.

The cat simply has no more room to expand, she already looks like a barge without water, leaving tracks in the snow where her belly drags the ground in-between her footprints.

Also,the rabbit can't go more than 40 days without having her litter, so by Sunday, we should have our first litter here at Blooming Prairie Rabbitry.

Things are looking up.

Last year at this time, this was what I was doing:

hardening off my seedlings to be planted in the garden the first of May.

This year they are just getting started so we will see if I get to plant my seedlings, eventually, or have to buy plants. Hopefully mine will rally and show their lovely strength and unwavering hope that Spring will soon be here.
And thinking about that is helping me to ignore this:

For those of you who are interested, I am also including our weekly meal plan so you can add to your ideas for food storage and meals. Be sure to click the links to find all the great recipes I am sharing with you this week. :)

See you tomorrow for a special Tasty Tuesday recipe straight from the Handy Hubby again.

Blessings to you and yours,

Meal Plan #2
Monday: Strawberry Apple Muffins for breakfast,
              Brats, Homemade buns, and fruit salad for lunch
             Meatloaf, mixed veggies and cobbler for dinner
Tuesday: Oatmeal with mulberries and cream for breakfast
             Grilled cheese, carrot sticks, and apple slices for lunch
             Chinese fried rice with teriyaki sauce and cuke slices for dinner
Wednesday: bagged cereal for breakfast
                  Mini-pizzas with our homeschool co-op for lunch
                 Veggie Rotini withVegetables and Alfredo sauce for dinner
Thursday: caramel baked french toast for breakfast
                spaghetti with meat, and california veggies for lunch
               Cheesy Sausage and Potato Soup in Bread Bowls for dinner
Friday: Eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast with orange juice
            crockpot sandwiches and banana smoothies for lunch
            Enchiladas for dinner with rice pudding
Saturday: bagged cereal and fruit for breakfast
               Simple nachos for lunch (tortillas chips with toppings under broiler for a few minutes)
               Cheeseburger Pizza (recipe coming later this week)
             Lunch with friends at church
             any leftovers are fair game for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Your seedlings look awesome! I'm down in Georgia and it's so warm here. Seeing all of your snow is just plain crazy!


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