Friday, July 26, 2013

Cayenne Peppers for Healing Headaches....Simple Herbal Remedies Guest Post by Karina Ritchey

Good morning! 

As a wonderful ending to a week learning about a few herbs that can really pack a punch in building health in your family, I wanted to make your day by introducing one of my very dear friends, Karina!
She has graciously agreed to share with you her recipe for cayenne pepper packs, something that she and her husband both use to help with headaches.

source: Celebrate Every Day Blog by Karina Ritchey

Cayenne is a simple ingredient to find in most grocery stores, and also is easily grown in most gardens. I grow mine every other year (they are prolific producers) and then dry in my dehydrator or string them up for drying. Once they are completely dry, I save the seeds, and using gloves, run them through a coffee grinder outside (you really don't want the powder getting in your eyes or face! Take it from me!). Store in an air tight container, and there you have your very own cayenne pepper to use for coughs or for Karina's recipe (not to mention for cooking! yum!)

To to learn how to use her home remedy for relieving headaches from large to small, or even very tight muscles, head on over to her blog by clicking the link below! 
May you have a wonderful weekend!
Blessings to you and yours!

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