Saturday, July 27, 2013

Simple Saturday Pleasures: Orange Cranberry Breakfast Bread

Good morning everyone, 
and Happy Saturday to you!

This morning I am starting a new tradition for Saturdays, and that will be sharing some sort of recipe with you every Saturday that uses my Wonder Mill
Now, while some of you may think that using my Wonder Mill may only be for baked goods, I want you to know that I use it almost every single day for many different things, and really want to start sharing those recipes with you.
If you have joined our Welcoming House Community since Christmas 2012, then you completely missed our wonderful, fun contest that we entered as a blog last fall where we shared five amazing recipes in a run to win a free WonderMill Grain Mill. Some of the recipes are still being pinned all over Pinterest, and continue to be some of the most popular hits on the Welcoming House Blog today.
For example, what about Gingerbread Sweet Rolls? Or Applesauce Spice Cake?

However, I have a new one to share with you today that I make often throughout the year for my family on Saturday mornings--- 
Orange Cranberry Breakfast Bread.

There is just something wonderful about the combination of oranges and cranberries. The smell while this particular sweet bread is baking is fantastic, and paired with a cup of coffee, it makes the best bread to share with a friend.

I hope you try it and enjoy!
Have a wonderfully happy Saturday!
Blessings to you and yours, 

Orange Cranberry Breakfast Bread

 2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup rice flour 
(I grind these all together in my WonderMill grain mill )
1 Tbs Baking powder
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
 Whisk these ingredients together thoroughly.

Then add the following:
3 eggs
2 Tbs oil
2 bananas
1 can frozen OJ
1 tsp (vanilla extract)

Fold in 1 cup of sweetened dried cranberries (Craisins)

Blend until completely mixed and let sit for ten minutes. This allows the wheat flour to absorb the liquid. Meanwhile, grease two standard bread pans (I use glass because it just makes a nicer crust on this wonderful bread.), and turn oven to 350*. Smooth the batter into the pans and bake at temperature given for 45 minutes. Test with a toothpick to see if it is finished. When toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, take out and set on a cooling rack. If you want to eat it warm, serve in about ten minutes (and drizzle a warm powdered sugar glaze on it first! Num!) This can also be converted into muffins, if you add it into pans, but they are more hearty than traditional cake-like muffins. If you choose the muffin option, top with sugar and bake for 15 minutes per pan, using the toothpick test to determine if it is finished.


  1. That looks really good,Heather cant wait to try it , Yummy !!!

    1. thanks Kelly, and I know you will! Once all that corn is in! :)
      ~Heather <3

  2. Replies
    1. When it was baking I had to leave the house and go on a walk because my stomach was really is very hearty, and very very tasty! Let me know if you try to make it, Stephanie!

  3. I love these flavors! I am always a sucker for Orange Cranberry breads, scones, name it. Love your blog. Following you on Bloglovin'

    Life With Lorelai

    1. Thanks Lorelai! I love citrus too, and some flavor combos just taste the best.....
      Thanks for stopping by, for signing up, and for sharing your comment with me!

  4. You've been Nominated for The Versatile Blogger Award @ Life With Lorelai... Congrats! :)

    Life With Lorelai

    1. thank you! I am humbled and honored, Lorelai! I checked out the award and was just...astonished! I will be doing my part on it as soon as the series is over! THANK YOU.........
      Blessings again,

  5. This looks wonderful. And congratulations on your nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award!
    Regina Partain

    1. thank you Regina! Wish you could come over for a cup of coffee and a slice and we could get to know one another over the kitchen table!
      Hope you have a wonderful week ahead as you get your blog up and running, and your vision crystallized for it. Can't wait to see it grow. :)


I really appreciate your comments--they make my day! And I am blessed by the many who choose to comment, share links, or just drop in to say hello, so please leave a comment! Blessings to you and yours!
~Heather @ The Welcoming House